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Is the working ethos of my practice, meaning:  

You are fundamentally ok! And given encouraging conditions, you can grow autonomously and to live in a way that is most natural and valuable to you!

To be 'Curious Not Critical' means: to move past labels and diagnoses, understand unhelpful living patterns with empathy to their earlier roots and be affirmative to the many facets that make up a person such as; 

Life goals, personal values, creative practice, neurodiversity, sexuality, gender, spirituality and the many domains that make you YOU!


As with lyrics, this work leaves space for the human experience: from joy to pain, past to present and future and the natural balance of thoughts and emotions. 

Common areas of focus 

  • Anxiety & Panic

  • ADHD & Neurodiversity

  • Creativity & Meaningful Living

  • Creative arts psychotherpy: e.g. music, art & writing.

  • Depression & Loss Of Meaning

  • Family Dynamics & Issues

  • Goal setting & Coaching

  • Grief & Loss

  • Life Changes; job loss, breakup, where to next?

  • Sexuality & Gender Identity

  • Stress Management

  • Student-focused Counselling

If there is an issue you would like to work with, that is not here, please feel free to check in with me around it so I can assist or provide appropriate referral. 

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About Me


My name is Kevin O'Byrne I am a psychotherapist and working musician based in Dublin. I am keenly aware of the indispensable nature of creativity in life as well as the space and wellness that often needs to be there to enjoy it.

Creative Background

I studied on the BA Jazz performance in Newpark Music Centre before transferring to complete my BA Commercial Modern Musician in TU Dublin's BIMM.

Clinical Training

I trained on Edinburgh's Queen Margaret University MSc Music Therapy; an NHS accredited, psychodynamically-informed training which involved clinical placement at Dublin's National Rehabilitation Hospital.


I hold a H.Dip (Level8) and Masters in Psychotherapy from Dublin Business School, equipping me to practice in a way that combines the relational and holding aspects of talk therapy whilst synthesizing the power of music and visual arts in the therapeutic work. 

Additional bits

​As of 2024, I have commenced a post-graduate diploma in Adolescent Psychotherapy to augment my experience in working with young people. I hold a professional cert in Art Therapy from Dublin Art Therapy College and I will be working with various creative bodies such as NCAD, BIMM, Electric Picnic, Ireland Music Week and more to come!

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